You don’t need an inner-city address, Caren will help you tackle money matters in the ‘burbs, through a better understanding of all the important issues – investing, superannuation, budgeting, tax, insurance, mortgages, gearing, shares, managed funds, small business, food, home, fashion, travel, and much more.

A fun and entertainingly educational forum, specifically designed for Australian “suburbanites".

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

“She’s baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack…”

Yes, I’m back from my hiatus! So what have I been doing?
I’ve been attending seminars, webinars, and cornering strange people on the street (who will probably claim that I was the strange one!), to find out exactly what they’d like from a money blog.
You see, I’d had some pretty good feedback, but I wanted to be sure I was delivering something people really wanted. Maybe even needed.

So I hit the suburban streets, and discovered the top 10 “wish list” items for a money blog.
- easy to understand with no jargon (or jargon explained);
- to be kept up-to-date with current finance issues without having to watch the business channel or read
  the Financial Review;
- not boring;
- practical ideas;
- personal information (eg. what I do with my money);
- financial tips/ tricks of the trade;
- savings strategies;
- how to deal with a range of financial services (eg. banks, financial planners, lawyers, mortgage brokers,
   real estate agents etc);
- real life examples;
- access to me personally, as well as through blog posts.

The great news is, I can do all that!

You may notice that I’ve given the page a bit of a facelift. A couple of clients commented that they felt some consistency with my company branding might be a sensible idea (thank you), so I’ve hauled in the red, white, and blue.

I also shortened the name to simply “Money Matters” to make it easier for people to remember, and to find it through a search engine.

Finally, you can also view the blog via our website While you’re there, you might find some other information of interest.

Ok, so what do you want? If you have any ideas for my blog, including topics you’d like covered, please don’t hesitate to add a comment.

Or if you’d prefer to contact me personally, you can email me anytime at

Talk soon,

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